Répons [1981-1984]

"The title Répons refers to the Gregorian tradition in which a solo vocalist and a choir alternate with and respond to each other. Boulez also uses this technique, calling ‘répons’ a ‘container’ concept because it introduces various layers: we hear dialogues between the soloists and the ensemble, between the ensemble players themselves, between acoustic and electronic sounds, and between passages that are digitally transformed and those that are not. The sound travels through the space and is flung in all directions. Boulez plays a game with sounds: far away at times, close by at others; agitated rhythms; the piano suddenly demanding lots of attention; the sections flowing into one another yet immediately changing the atmosphere." - hollandfestival.nl

It has been a while ago, but I still cannot forget about it. Ensemble intercontemporain together with Matthias Pintscher staged Pierre Boulez' work Répons at Amsterdam's Gashouder. Twice. Right after each other and the audience was seated both times some place else, so that the travel of original sound and recorded sound could effect the listener differently. Add the circular shape of the venue to that.

We were first seated in front of the piano. I sometimes wanted to run out [no offense, it was just way to intense]. And then came the harp which resulted in a completely different listening experience. I just wanted to stay and listen to it from all possible perspectives.

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